flowchart LR classDef left_node fill:#f7d878; classDef right_node fill:#aec9d3; classDef notify fill:#e6c5d4; 1@{shape: circle, label: "1 Create Endorsement "} 1 --> 2.1 1 --> 2.2 class 1 left_node; 2.1@{shape: docs, label: "2.1 Announce Review(s) "} 2.1 --> 3 class 2.1 notify; 2.2@{shape: doc, label: "2.2 Announce Endorsement "} 2.2 --> 4 class 2.2 notify; 3@{shape: stadium, label: "3 Record Review "} class 3 right_node; 4@{shape: stadium, label: "4 Record Endorsement "} class 4 right_node;
This workflow was originally developed between PCI and Sciety, but it can be used by other services (such as aggregators) wishing to interoperate with PCI.
Workflow step | Sender | Receiver | Activity type | JSON example |
2.2 | PCI | Sciety | Announce Endorsement | example (JSON) |
2.1 | PCI | Sciety | Announce Review(s) | example (JSON) |